Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Change . . . I don't handle it well apparently

Too many changes being thrown at my, at once. . or I'm getting less flexible as I get older. My BP is up, my weight is up, my mood is down, my libido is down. Looks like most of my stress triggers are just going to get worse , before they get better, so hang on for the ride I guess.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

He's Still Working On Me

Several conversations over past few days have had me thinking, praying, pondering and searching the scriptures. "How can you continue each day, with a husband who is terminal/chronically ill?" "What have learned through all of this?" "I know Satan's tricks" "I want to see a psychic" "I'm a Christian, BUT. . . " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY9nii6s9mM I never want to be so arrogant as to assume that Satan can't touch me, that I'm above the trials of this world, or that I can disregard His words and commands.